Getting to Know Valiant College

Meet the Faculty of Valiant College

Dr Ronald Fix


Dr. Kevin Hudson


Dr. Zeb McDaris


Dr. Paul Perkins


Mike Burton


Rebecca Collins


Valerie McDaris

Student Advisor

Team Member

Job Title


“In the year of our Lord 2002, a humble Bible institute was founded within a small local church, born of a fervent desire to train preachers, Sunday school teachers, and laborers in the Lord’s vineyard. 

Over the course of the next two decades, scores of earnest souls gathered to partake of the sacred Scriptures and prepare themselves for the noble work of ministry. 

With a curriculum refined through years of faithful labor and an unwavering commitment to glorify the Lord in all things, Valiant College stands poised to extend its influence unto the farthest reaches of the globe.”

Authorization & Accountability

Valiant College operates with accountability to the local church

State of Mississippi

The state of Mississippi recognizes Valiant College as a degree-granting institution.

501 (c) (3)

Valiant College operates as a not-for-profit entity.


Valiant College offers transnational education .